
Welcome to Our Town!
Our Town is a FE3H Farming Sim zine set in the little town of F贸dlan. Here in our carrd, you can browse through information about the zine and learn more about our project to decide if you are interested in applying. Thank you for stopping by!

Hey guys! I'm Nat, and I'm obsessed with cozy farmtown vibes. Harvest Moon had such a special place in my heart as a kid, and I'm so excited that the FE3H community wanted this zine as much as I did. For some background on me, I was the head mod of the Marianne zine and am currently running the FE3H coloring book, Color Me F贸dlan.
Let's make something fun together!

When Genevieve was 10 years old, she picked up a copy of Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life at KB Toys, and it was all downhill from there. Her love for farming sims has only grown over the last decade and a half, and she is thrilled to be working on a project that merges her love of farming sims and her love for Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

Hello! I'm Hao! I love the relaxing quality that farming simulation games can give to unwind from a tiring day. Tying this with my love for Fire Emblem is exciting, and I can't wait to see this zine come together!

Hi I鈥檓 Cha and I鈥檓 here to enjoy the coziest vibes with a Fire Emblem (but Farm Sim!) zine 馃挍 Looking forward to working with everyone 鈽猴笍
JUNE 7TH - JULY 19TH: Contributor applications
JULY 31ST: Results sent
SEPTEMBER 5TH: Check-in #1
OCTOBER 3RD: Check-in #2
NOVEMBER 7TH: Final submission
Spring 2023: Shipping & leftovers
Application Guide
Thanks for your interest! Below, you'll find the rules for the application process. We'll separate the guide based on each of our two zines.
Our Town - Main Zine
You may apply for more than one position, and you may be accepted for multiple positions. Artists will have the option to create multiple pages for the zine if they so desire.
Please note that this is a gen zine, meaning no explicit ship content will be allowed. (Implied ships will be on a case-by-case basis.)We are aiming to accept:
Please provide a link to a google drive folder with three writing samples in a google doc or PDF format. Make sure to allow file sharing! Files that are not shared will not be considered.
All samples will require content warnings if applicable.
Please do not provide more than three samples.
Samples must be no longer than 3k words each.
At least one sample must be FE3H and include the characters you are applying to write.
One sample must be a completed stand alone story. The others may be excerpts from a larger story.
Alternative media types (such as poems, news articles, etc) will not be accepted for this zine.
Each applicant will be asked to make 2-3 pitches. Your pitches will factor into the judgment process, so make them count!
Please keep the characters' set jobs and locations in mind when making your pitches. This is part of the zine canon and should be consistent if you decide to include those parts of their lives.
Please include the desired characters you'd like to write in your pitch.
You may apply for both zines and be accepted to both.
The word count for each fic in the main zine is 2,000 words maximum.ARTIST GUIDELINES
Please provide a link to a google drive folder with at least six or more samples of your full illustration artwork. Make sure to allow file sharing! Files that are not shared will not be considered.
You may keep watermarks on your work if you so desire.
At least three samples must be from FE3H.
At least one sample must feature characters you want to draw for the zine.
At least half of the samples must include complex background work.
Each applicant will be asked to make 2-3 pitches. Your pitches will factor into the judgment process, so make them count!
Please keep the characters' set jobs and locations in mind when making your pitches. This is part of the zine canon and should be consistent if you decide to include those parts of their lives.
The main zine will have A4 specs.MERCH GUIDELINES
All merch will be physical only. We are open to almost all kinds of merch, so feel free to make your pitches as you see fit.
Please provide a link to a google drive folder with at least five examples of your work. Please included photos/videos of physical pieces if possible. Make sure to allow file sharing! Files that are not shared will not be considered.
You may keep watermarks on your work if you desire.
At least one sample must be from FE3H.
Please include samples with the characters you wish to create merch for, if possible. This is not required.
If applying to make a print, one of your samples must include a full illustration with a complex background.
If you are applying to create a certain type of merch, please have one of your samples include that type of merch.
Each applicant will be asked to make 2-3 pitches. Your pitches will factor into the judgment process, so make them count!
Please keep the characters' set jobs and locations in mind when making your pitches. This is part of the zine canon and should be consistent if you decide to include those parts of their lives.
Templates for merch will be provided upon acceptance.
Homestead - Ship Zine
Homestead will be a storybook that reads like an actual, physical book. It will be comprised of romantic stories and sketched spot illustrations for each story. There will be no solo-art pieces. We want this zine to be feel like a cozy fic collection that you can curl up and read on a rainy day with a warm cup of tea!
This book will be printed if we reach a certain number of sales during the pre-order period. It will be paperback, around 100-120 pages. Each fic will have a 5,000 word cap.
If you applied to be part of Our Town, you may also apply to be part of Homestead. You may be accepted for both zines.
Please note that this is a ship zine. Our focus is to highlight romantic, fulfilling stories set within the farm/small-town vibe. Sexual content will be accepted, but sex should not be the main focus of your story.
There will only be 10 stories, meaning there will only be 10 ships included. All ships will be listed during the pre-order period.
Since only 10 ships will be featured, no character will appear as a main character in a ship more than twice. (Side ships do not count, and can be used whenever/wherever, since they are not the main focus.)
All ship types (LGBT+, monogamous, polyam, etc) are encouraged.We are aiming to accept:
You must be 18 or older.
Please provide a link to a google drive folder with three writing samples in a google doc or PDF format. Make sure to allow file sharing! Files that are not shared will not be considered.
All samples will require content warnings if applicable.
Please do not provide more than three samples.
Samples must be no longer than 3k words each.
If you are going to include sexual content in your story, please submit one NSFW sample.
At least one sample must be from FE3H and include the characters you are applying to write.
One sample must be a completed stand-alone story. The others may be excerpts from a larger story.
Alternative media types (such as poems, news articles, etc) will not be accepted for this zine.
Each applicant will be asked to make 2-3 pitches. Your pitches will factor into the judgment process, so make them count!
Please keep the characters' set jobs and locations in mind when making your pitches. This is part of the zine canon and should be consistent if you decide to include those parts of their lives.
Please include the desired ships you'd like to write in your pitch.
You may apply for both zines and be accepted to both.
The word count for each fic in the ship zine is 5,000 words maximum.ARTIST GUIDELINES
You must be 18 or older.
Please provide a link to a google drive folder with at least six or more samples of your refined sketches. (If you are also applying to Our Town, you may add sketch examples to the same sample folder.) Make sure to allow file sharing! Files that are not shared will not be considered.
You may keep watermarks on your work if you so desire.
At least three samples must be from FE3H.
On your application, please list ships you would be willing to draw for, and those you absolutely do NOT want to draw for.
The ship zine will be 6"x9" in size.
Please keep in mind that you will be a spot illustrator. This means that you will be asked to make at least 4-6 refined sketch illustrations based on the events of one of the fics featured in the zine. You will be matched to a writer based on your preferences.
The Little Town of F贸dlan...
Our Town is a zine centered around FE3H and its characters. The premise is based off classic farming sim games like Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley and Story of Seasons. The zine will put the FE3H characters into a modern AU "farm sim" scenario and showcase our faves living the cottagecore life. Warm, cozy vibes await you. What's not to love?The main zine will be ship-free. There will be a side zine, called Homestead, which will feature ships and spot illustrations for up to 10 works of fanfiction at around 5,000 words per piece. Homestead may be printed if stretch goals are reached. Homestead will include mature content.This zine has a "canon" to a certain degree. To keep consistency, all characters in the zine have a set job and living space that will remain the same in every depiction of them throughout the zine. (For example, Edelgard is running for mayor, and this will be true in all art/fics where she is featured. This does not mean you MUST write/draw about her political career, but if the topic of her workplace is mentioned, it must be consistent with the canon.)If this interests you, please check us out! We'd love to have you as part of our little zine.
Town Roster
Meet the citizens of F贸dlan. All characters, their professions and their locations are listed below. If there is a character you would like to pitch for the zine who is not listed, you are free to pitch their profession to the mods and we will discuss it with you upon acceptance.
EDELGARD - Candidate for mayor. Edelgard is a politician running for the position of mayor of F贸dlan. The town is finally large enough to warrant one. She lives in the Hresvelg manor at the edge of town.
HUBERT - Edelgard's secretary. Hubert is Edelgard's secretary and manages all her personal affairs. He lives in the Hresvelg manor with her.
FERDINAND - Community organizer. Ferdinand manages festivals, the election, and other goings-on when it comes to the town of F贸dlan. He lives in a pleasant lakeside manor.
LINHARDT - Librarian. Linhardt runs the library situated downtown. He lives in one of the apartment buildings on the town's outskirts.
CASPAR - Deputy. Caspar works in the law enforcement department as a deputy. He lives nextdoor to Linhardt in the apartments. (He reportedly owns many cats.)
BERNADETTA - Reclusive author. Bernadetta is an author who lives on the edge of the woods in a tiny home. She writes bestsellers to support her modest living.
PETRA - Butcher and hunter. Petra runs a butcher shop downtown where she sells the highest quality meat and furs. She hunts for her wares when she can, alongside Leonie. She lives in the apartment building across from Linhardt and Caspar.
DOROTHEA - Songstress and waitress. Dorothea is an entertainer at Yuri's bar, The Mockingbird. She also sides as a waitress at Ashe's restaurant. She lives in a small home near the river.
DIMITRI - Lumberjack and gravekeeper. Dimitri makes his income by chopping and selling wood, but he also watches over the nearby cemetery by choice. He lives in a secluded cabin in the woods. Since the zine consists of post-TS designs, all depictions of Dimitri should include his missing eye.
DEDUE - Florist. Dedue runs the flower shop downtown. He lives in a cozy studio apartment on the shop's second floor.
SYLVAIN - Bartender. Sylvain works at Yuri's bar, The Mockingbird. He lives in one of the apartment buildings on the outskirts of town.
FELIX - Blacksmith and miner. Felix is the town blacksmith and sells his products, but he also mines for his own materials. He has a house to himself near the outskirts of town.
INGRID - Horse trainer. Ingrid is the town's horse trainer and manages the stables. She lives in a small cottage down the road from the stables.
ASHE - Restaurant owner. Ashe owns the best restaurant in town. He has a house on a small farm that he shares with his siblings.
MERCEDES - Baker. Mercedes owns a bakery downtown, which she runs with her brother. She lives in one of the apartments with Annette as her roommate.
ANNETTE - Hairdresser and cosmetologist. Annette owns a salon downtown where she does hair and makeup. She lives in an apartment that she shares with Mercedes.
CLAUDE/KHALID - Candidate for mayor and wyvern tamer. Claude is a lawyer who is running for the position of mayor, opposite Edelgard. He has a lavish beachside home inspired by Almyran decor. He also tames wyverns.
HILDA - Designer. Hilda runs her own apparel shop downtown where she sells her designs. She lives in a lakeside villa.
LORENZ - Real estate agent and animal farmer. Lorenz sells F贸dlan real estate to help the town grow. He runs an animal farm as well, where he lives on the outskirts of the town.
IGNATZ - Artist. Ignatz is an artistic genius. He is credited for a large mural in downtown F贸dlan. He has a studio downtown as well, and lives in an extension basement beneath it.
LEONIE - Hunter. Leonie is a hunter and fur trader. She trades often with Petra. She lives in a cabin near the edge of the forest.
RAPHAEL - Farmer and innkeeper. Raphael owns F贸dlan's inn, which rests next to a large farm that he runs with his sister. He lives in a house on the farm.
MARIANNE - Veterinarian. Marianne is the town vet and tends to both pets and farm animals. She lives in an apartment building on the outskirts of town.
LYSITHEA - Doctor. Lysithea is the town doctor. She works with Manuela to manage the healthcare of F贸dlan. She lives in a house to herself near the park.
YURI - Bar owner. Yuri owns the bar, The Mockingbird, which is situated downtown. He lives in the tavern's basement, which is renovated to a full apartment.
BALTHUS - Bar security. Balthus is a security guard for Yuri's bar. He lives in a trailer on the outskirts of town.
HAPI - Tattoo artist and tarot reader. Hapi runs a tattoo/tarot shop downtown, and shares an apartment with Constance as her roommate.
CONSTANCE - Antique store owner. Constance owns an antique shop downtown where she sells various goods. She lives in apartment shared with Hapi.
BYLETH - Teacher. Byleth is a teacher at the small school located downtown. They live in a small apartment above the schoolhouse.
SETETH - Priest and fisherman. Seteth is a priest at the local Church of Seiros. He is also a fisherman and sells his wares to various vendors. He lives in a small home by the sea with Flayn.
FLAYN - Flayn, newly an adult, does not yet have a job. You can place her anywhere you like!
RHEA - High Priestess. Rhea is the main priestess of the Church of Seiros. Rhea lives there full-time.
ALOIS - Grocery store owner. Alois owns the grocery store downtown. He lives in a modest home on a farm on the outskirts of town, with his family.
MANUELA - Surgeon. Manuela is the surgeon and works in the clinic alongside Lysithea and Hanneman. She lives in a run-down home on the outskirts of town.
HANNEMAN - Pharmacist. Hanneman is the town pharmacist and works in the clinic with Manuela and Lysithea. He has his own home near the festival grounds.
CATHERINE & SHAMIR - Private detectives. Catherine and Shamir protect the community of F贸dlan by hunting down mischief and making sure all is well. Catherine lives in an apartment downtown, while Shamir lives in a home by the river.
CYRIL - Handyman. Cyril is the local handyman and can be called to take care of almost any problem. Electrician, carpenter, plumber; he does it all! He has his own little home near the beaches.
EMILE/JERITZA - Baker's aid. Emile works with Mercedes at her bakery. He lives in a small apartment above the shop.
ANNA - Traveling merchant. Anna pops into town sometimes, especially during festivals, to sell her unique wares.
SHEZ - Laborer for hire. Shez picks up odd construction and labor jobs around town. Any depiction (male, female or otherwise) of Shez will be accepted. They live in a trailer near town.
MONICA - Edelgard's campaign manager. Monica manages all of Edelgard's political affairs as she runs for mayor. She lives in Edelgard's manor along with Hubert.
Why does this zine have a set canon?
For consistency. We liked the idea of trying something a little different with this project for the sake of worldbuilding. That being said, we are only setting the characters' jobs and homes as "canon"; this way, we can have some consistency without stepping on creators' toes too much.What if we don't like/disagree with a character's job or living situation?
You are by no means required to include the zine canon elements in your art/fic. You can completely ignore them if you like, but they should not be replaced or contradicted either.What real-world elements can we bring to the zine?
Technology, primarily. The zine will be a "modern AU" of sorts, being that the world has the Internet, cell phones, TV, etc. However, no real-world culture, religion or pop culture should be present in the zine, as it still takes place within the realm of FE3H's F贸dlan. Cultural inspiration, however, is of course accepted.
Example A: Designing Claude's attire after real-world Middle Eastern cultures is appropriate, since this character appears to be based on this general region of the real world.
Example B: Writing characters listening to Taylor Swift at a Christmas party would be inappropriate, considering Taylor Swift doesn't exist in F贸dlan and neither does Christianity.Will the zine be pre-TS, midskip, or post-TS?
Post-TS only, please. This is to make sure all characters are adults over 18.Will trans characters be allowed despite the main zine's "canon"?
Allowed and encouraged! Trans representation is more important than our canon.Since the main zine has a canon, how will Byleth be handled?
Any depiction of Byleth, whether male, female or non-binary, will be accepted. This was voted on during the interest check.Will the ship zine have NSFW content?
Yes, although the focus of the content will be telling a romantic story. If sex happens, it is allowed, but it should not be the main theme.How will contributors be compensated?
Contributors will receive digital copies of both zines at the very least, and full bundles if we can afford to do so.Will this zine be for profit or charity?
In honor of the dearly departed Billy Kametz, all zine profits will be sent to the Colon Cancer Coalition, the charity chosen by his family in his obituary.